Troyanda dancers range from our young bright stars who are about 3-4 years old, and we continue on to our Senior and Ensemble classes where ages are limitless.
We have a wide range of dancer abilities, and each dancer is placed into the best class that will suit the dancers abilities.
Troyanda's general membership comprises of all of the family members involved with their dancer(s). Many of the parents of dancers help to run the club and it's many different committees.
Without our dedicated parent and family volunteers helping to run Troyanda, we wouldn't be where we are today!

The little stars are Troyanda's youngest dancers that range from ages 3-5 years old.
Lots of fun games and activities are used to help introduce our little stars to the very basic Ukrainian dance steps.
This surely is the class that takes away every performance!
The beginners start to learn dance formations along with more basic dance steps. Dancers perform fun and simple dances that showcase what they have learned over the year.
They sure do have fun on stage no matter what!
The juniors move into dancing more intricate dance steps and formations, and also start to perform regional dances that showcase various costumes.
The juniors have danced together for many years now, and they are a great group of friends!
The intermediates have grown into skilled dancers that perform a variety of regional dances that have more techincal steps and formations. Boys start to perform larger tricks, and the girls start to spin around more in their dances.
The intermediates start to grow into great dancers building relationships with both the younger dancers, and the older Ensemble class as they have been included in various ensemble rehearsals together.
The boys class introduces our young dancers to formations and dance skills that are performed by male dancers in the Ukrainian culture.
Many tricks, tumbles, jumps, and athletics are learnt and performed with this class.
The adults are a delightful group of well seasoned dancers. They perform an array of dance steps and formations, and also perform dances that showcase various regions of Ukraine.
Many of the senior dancers are parents of younger dancers, and they get to share the dancing experience together.
The ensemble is a well rounded group of dancers that been dancing together for many years. Many different regions of Ukraine are represented in their dances, and many lively tricks and spins are showcased throughout their performances. The ensemble comprises of dancers that range from 16 years old up to you will never guess our age.